
Early June Moths

Still trying to catch up with the moths, here is a selection from early June.

Foxglove Pug

Foxglove Pug

Willow Beauty

Willow Beauty

Bright-line Brown-eye

Bright-line Brown-eye



Buff Ermine

Buff Ermine

Marbled Minor Agg.

Marbled Minor Agg.

White Ermine

White Ermine

Peppered Moth Melanic form

Peppered Moth Melanic form

Peppered Moth, Typical form

Peppered Moth

Common Pug

Common Pug

Private Hawk Moth

Private Hawk Moth

Treble Lines

Treble Lines

Flame Shoulder

Flame Shoulder

Tachystola acroxantha

Tachystola acroxantha

Alder Moth

Alder Moth

Heart and Dart

Heart and Dart

Ingrailed Clay

Ingrailed Clay

Small Magpie

Small Magpie

Pale Tussock f. concolor

Pale Tussock f. concolor

Straw Dot

Straw Dot

Broken-barred Carpet

Broken-barred Carpet

Freyer’s Pug

Freyer's Pug

Cypress Tip Moth

Cypress Tip Moth

Garden Grass Veneer – Chrysoteuchia culmella

Garden Grass Veneer - Chrysoteuchia culmella

Oak Hook-tip

Oak Hook-tip

Least Black Arches

Least Black Arches

Vapourer Moth LarvaeVapourer Larvae in garden